Social assistance

Created in 2002, the social assistance service has offices in the two centers of the association. This department works in coordination with the network of local organizations dealing with social matters.

The social assistants provide a socio psychological assistance (a following of the major cases on the long term, visit of the families) and guide certain cases towards the institutions and specialized associative or public structures.


  •  Awareness workshops (drugs, marital violence, early wedding, consanguine marriage, etc…) and support groups mainly for mothers.
  • Publication and diffusion of brochures (handicap, enuresis, domestic accidents, etc…)


Financial help:

  • Coupons giving the right to first need products (clothes, food)
  • Taking in charge the expenses for medical consultations and prescriptions.
  • Moreover, in the field for the prevention against violence, regular activities are organized for the children who belong to the families who are the most in need.