Hebron Association for Socio-Cultural Development

Social welfare office: Created in 2002 by the HFACE and now included in the AHDSC, the social assistance office provides socio-psychological assistance to families in difficulty, and works in coordination with specialised institutions and structures, both associative and public.

The social dimension is at the heart of our action, here a meeting of mothers
  • Prevention:
    • Awareness workshops (drugs, domestic violence, early or consanguineous marriage, etc.)
    • Support groups for mothers
    • Distribution of brochures (disability, bedwetting, etc.)
    • Training (first aid).
  • In-kind assistance:
    • Donations of clothing, food, etc.
    • Medical consultations.
Summer camp in the Old city of Hebron
  • Children’s activities:
    • Game library and library
    • Manual activities
    • Tutoring
    • Summer camps